Bibliografía Recomendada
(PD. Lamentablemente no todos los libros existen en versión en castellano. Hemos intentado incluir a todas las versiones en español cuando posible):
In Plain Sight - an investigation into UFOs and impossible science, Ross Coulthart
Flying Saucers and Science - a scientist investigates the mysteries of UFOs, Stanton T. Friedman, MSc.
UFOs - Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials go on the record, Leslie Kean
American Cosmic - UFOs, Religion, Technology, D.W.Pasulka
Hunt for the Skinwalker - Science confronts the Unexplained at a remote Ranch in Utah, Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D., and George Knapp
Skinwalkers at the Pentagon - An Insiders’ Account of the Secret Government UFO Program, James T. Lacatski, D.Eng., Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D., and George Knapp
Passport to Magonia - on UFOs, Folklore, and Parallel Worlds, Jacques Vallée
Wonders in the Sky - Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times, Jacques Vallée and Chris Aubeck
Trinity - The Best Kept Secret, Jacques F. Vallée, Paola Leopizzi Harris
The Invisible College - what a group of scientists has discovered about UFO influence on the Human Race, Jacques Vallée
Communion - A True Story, Whitley Strieber
Abduction - Human Encounters with Aliens, John E. Mack, M.D.
Passport to the Cosmos - Human Transformation and Alien Encounters, John E. Mack, M.D.
The Believer - Alien Encounters, Hard Science, and the Passion of John Mack, Ralph Blumenthal
The Day After Roswell - A former Pentagon Official reveals the U.S. Government’s stocking UFO Cover-Up, Col. Philip J.Corso (Ret.) with William J.Birnes
UFOs Before Roswell: European Foo-Fighters 1940 - 1945, Graeme Rendall
Dawn of the Flying Saucers: aerial UFO Encounters & official investigations 1946 - 1949, Graeme Rendall
Flying Saucer Fever: aerial UFO Encounters 1950 - 1952, Graeme Rendall
Witness to Roswell - unmasking the Government’s biggest Cover-Up, Thomas J.Carey and Donald R.Schmitt
Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience, Stanton T.Friedman. Msc. and Kathleen Marden
Triangular UFOs - an Estimate of the Situation, David Marler
Crash at Corona - The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-Up of a UFO, The Definitive Study of the Roswell Incident, Don Berliner, Stanton T.Friedman. Msc.
A.D. After Disclosure - When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact, Richard M.Dolan and Bryce Zabel
The UFO Experience - Evidence behind Close Encounters, Project Blue Book and the Search for Answers, J.Allen Hynek
The Hynek UFO Report - The Authoritative Account of the Project Blue Book Cover-Up, J.Allen Hynek
Dreamland - an autobiography, Bob Lazar
The UFO Hotspot Compendium, Craig Campobasso
Inside the Black Vault - The Government’s UFO Secrets Revealed, John Greenewald Jr.
The CIA UFO Papers - 50 Years of Government Secrets and Cover-Ups, Dan Wright
Schoolyard UFO Encounters, Preston Dennett